Shao Shan Temple is supported entirely by your generosity. There are no fees associated with public programs and your donations help to support and sustain Shao Shan Temple and ensure that we can continue to be able to offer public programs in this way.
Shao Shan Temple is a 501(c)3 non-profit religious organization, EIN number 51-0580354.
Donations are tax-deductible and receipts can be provided.
To donate using paypal or a credit card:
If you participate regularly, please consider making a monthly donation.
If you would prefer to send a paper check, please make it out to “Shao Shan Temple" and mail to:
Shao Shan Temple
125 Cranberry Meadow Road
East Calais, VT 05650
Thank you!
Together with gratitude we turn the bright Dharma