Meditation - Retreats
Shao Shan Temple Retreats are intended as a silent intensive practice opportunity for those who already practice at Shao Shan Temple on a regular basis. An individual's level of experience is considered to ensure that the length and intensity of the practice is appropriate. Temple guidelines require that a person have experience practicing at Shao Shan Temple prior to participating in the Zazenkai or Sesshin programs.
See the Schedule for our weekly programs and the Introduction to participate at Shao Shan Temple for the first time.
A one day program of sitting and walking meditation and also including liturgy and a Dharma Talk.
Sesshin is a multi-day intensive meditation retreat. Each day including sitting and walking meditation. Most Shao Shan Temple sesshins are on weekends.
Rohatsu Sesshin
Commemorating the Buddha's Enlightenment, Rohatsu Sesshin is the first week in December.
Mountain Retreat
White Jewel Mountain Retreat is located on a high ridge near Shao Shan Temple. We have prepared a comfortable tent facility which is available for structured private practice for individuals who participate regularly at Shao Shan Temple.
The site is truly a gift from our great protecting ancestors to allow us a taste of the solitary mountain Zazen that has been formative for many ancestors in our Soto Zen Buddhist lineage.