Dedication Verse
This is the chant that we frequently do at the end of programs which sends the energy to be of benefit in all directions.JI HO SAN SHI I SHI FU

Robe Verse
This is the chant that we do in the morning when putting on our rakusu or wagesa. (note we now use the below English translation for the 3rd repetition - this is different from in the audio.)Dai sai gedap-puku
Muso fuku den e
Hi bu nyorai kyo
Ko do shoshu jo (2x)
How great the robe of Liberation,
A formless field of merit.
Wrapping ourselves in Buddha's teaching,
We free all living beings

Sho Sai Myo Kichijo Dharani
This is the "Disaster Prevention" or "safety" chant that we do before work practice.No mo san man da
moto nan oha ra chi
koto sha sono nan
to ji to en
gya gya gya ki gya ki
un nun shifu ra shifu ra
hara shifu ra hara shifu ra
chishu sa chishu sa
chishu ri chishu ri
sowa ja sowa ja
sen chi gya
shiri ei somo ko.

Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo
This is the Kanzeon/Avalokiteshvara/compassion chant.Kanzeon, Namu Butsu
Yo Butsu u in
Yo Butsu u en
Buppo so en
Jo raku ga jo
cho nen.Kanzeon,
bon nen Kanzeon,
nen nen ju shin ki
nen nen fu ri shin

Three Refuges - Japanese
The 3 refuges in Japanese (I take refuge in Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) Namu Kie Butsu
Namu Kie Ho
Namu Kie So

Three Refuges - Pali
The 3 refuges in the Pali languageBuddham Saranam Gacchami
Dhammam Saranam Gacchami
Sangham Saranam Gacchami

Meal Chants
Formal - 5 reflections - English
We reflect on the effort that brought us this food and consider how it comes to us.
We reflect on our virtue and practice and whether we are worthy of this offering.
We regard it as essential to keep the mind free from excesses such as greed.
We regard this food as good medicine to sustain our life.
For the sake of enlightenment we now receive this food.
Formal - 5 reflections - Japanese
Hitotsu ni wa
kono tasho o hakari
kano raisho o hakaru.
Futatsu ni wa
ono-re ga toku gyo
no zen kei to
hakatte kuni ozu.
Mitsu ni wa
shin o fusegi
toga o hana-ruru koto wa
tonto o shu to su.
Yotsu ne wa
masa ne ryoyaku
o koto to suru wa
gyo ko o ryozen
ga tame nari.
Itsutsu ni wa
Jodo no tame no yue ni
Ima kono jiki o uku.
Informal meal chants
(beginning of meal)
Nyaku on jiki ji
To gan shujo
Zen etsu i jiki
Hoki ju man
(end of meal)
Bon jiki e kotsu
To gan shujo
Toku gyo ju yo
Jo ju shu riki
Heart Sutra (Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo)